IWC Portuguese Replica

Jean-Marc Pontroue is the CEO of IWC Portuguese Replica

This unique history creates a halo effect. The story began long before the first watches in Florence, birthplace of Renaissance, when Guido IWC Portuguese Replica established his workshop at the end of the 1860s. The expertise of his studio in high-precision mechanics attracted the attention of both the Ministry of Defense as well as the Royal Italian Navy. They requested the production of a variety of instruments. During WWI the company produced military equipment, automatic machine tools and luminous elements under the banners of "Guido IWC Portuguese Replica & Figlio", and "Officine IWC Portuguese Replica".

Radiomir, the shop's coating, immediately distinguished itself. The radium-based material made IWC Portuguese Replica's devices visible in total darkness. This was crucial for military covert nighttime maneuvers.IWC Portuguese Replica The company was soon supplying underwater gear such as torches, compasses and depth gauges for frogmen, divers and other water sports enthusiasts. The first Radiomir wristwatches, which were probably made around 1935 for the Italian Navy, are lost in history. IWC Portuguese Replica watches are battle-tested.

It's not that toughness was at the cost of appearances. During the Interwar period, Guido's two children, Giuseppe, and Maria, opened a stylish clock and watch shop in Florence called L'Orologeria Svizzera, which further aligned the family to both horlogerie, and Italian design. Patricia Urquiola, an architect based in Milan, has reimagined the shop as a IWC Portuguese Replica Boutique. She added nautical references, brushed-bronze fixtures and warm walnut panels throughout.IWC Portofino Replica These are a graphic contrast to the subtle striping on grey and white marble flooring, which creates unexpected geometric patterns. This old family home is located directly across from the Duomo. Its soaring structure, which is lit up by exterior lighting every night, has a nautical theme.

Radiance, always. Collector interest in vintage Italian luminant service equipment increased as the decades went by, commanding high prices at auction. Officine IWC Portuguese Replica finally responded to the market. In 1993, Officine IWC Portuguese Replica reissued limited editions of the legendary Luminor along with the Luminor Mare Nostrum and Luminor Marina chronographs. Stallone's wrist appeared in Daylight, an action thriller that was a huge hit. The pieces were a big deal and made Luminor a classic. In 1997, the momentum of this piece helped IWC Portuguese Replica secure an investment from Vendome Luxury Group