Australian Landscape & Nature Photography by Michael Boniwell

Year: 2020

East Bound Again

As we head towards the end of another year, I thought it would be a good idea to write something about the last couple of photography trips I have undertaken. The images in this series come from spending a few weeks travelling around Victoria, much of it with our boy, now 10, who has also begun producing work of this own. Sometimes we are set up with tripods near touching, but he is also developing his own style. It may be a few years before you see is creations online, but he is taking to it like a duck to water, and I am greatly enjoying our adventures together when money and time permit.

Staying Local

I’m writing this blog entry in the early days of our “second wave” lock down here in regional Victoria. Necessary restrictions to avoid the further spread of the Covid-19 virus have curtailed even local travel for the next several weeks at least, giving me plenty of time to reflect upon and appreciate the short, pre-lock down trips that provided the images in this series. I was germophobic long before the word “coronavirus” was part of our vocabulary, so you can imagine my caution now. Fortunately landscape photography lends itself well to isolation and out of the way locations. It’s quite easy to not only avoid buildings and surfaces, but people entirely. In any case I don’t want to dwell on the topic we’re all obsessed with currently, but instead write of happier things, back when travel was permitted.

Foggy Mountain Huts

Where to start? Let us get the obvious out of the way first. These images were captured before Australia went into lockdown and the whole world was devastated by the Covid-19 virus. At the time I was enjoying the travel and adventure this trip afforded, blissfully unaware of the impending doom we were all about to face. I have since caught up on post processing and found the time to write this blog, so I’ll try to, retrospectively, recreate the happy mood I was in.

Lighthouses & More

Summer in Australia was, as most will undoubtedly be aware, a desperate time with unprecedented bush-fires raging uncontrolled across the country. There were many lives lost, both human and wildlife, and widespread damage to both properties and natural environments. National Parks that have never burnt before, with eons old forests, succumbed to the flames, leaving ashes were once there was beauty incarnate.

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